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Darren "D.W." Lee at Van Buren Public Library 7/13/19

Added on :  12-Oct-2020
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D.W. Lee is the Executive Director of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center (MABRC). D.W. is the author of many Bigfoot how-to books, including one on his encounters with the elusive beast. D.W. has been an active researcher since about 1991. With over 4000 times in the woods, he has had 26 encounters. Although that may sound like a lot of encounters, the math comes out to .065% of the time he has had an encounter in the woods. Today he is speaking from the Van Buren Arkansas Public Library on all things Bigfoot. D.W. is also the creator of the Bigfoot Field Guide. Which has a Radio Show, Magazine, Books and the Bigfoot Field Guide Blog.